
Orion International, always on the cutting edge, with more than 30 years of experience in the market, gives you the opportunity to have a tool for whenever is the time to fulfill your poultry equipment and service needs. We supply equipment and parts, from incubation and hatchery, thru growth-out, processing and packaging areas.
Thru our web site, you may find all the information about our company and the possibilities we could offer you as your main supplier and services provider.
Our knowledge and long commercial history, are the principal factors that makes us your most convenient business partner. Our customers and friends are the principal witnesses of our commitment with your success.

Better Thecnology
Our focus on bringing you products for automation reflects our mission and the need to be closely aligned with the challenges and opportunities in the supply chain. Awareness of topics and ideas that relate to the food system continue to guide Orion for the future
Better equipment for the kind of chickn you grow
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Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed
We have answers to your poultry questions.
Is more chicken more eggs better or better quiality chicken for better eggs?
Most people are willing to pay extra for better quiality eggs. In the pasture-raised enviroment poultry is raised in a way that’s consistent with how chickens would naturally live: in pasture, with the ability to freely roam, scratch, and peck, inprovong the soil at the same time.
When pasture-raised poultry and eggs are paired with a Certified Humane label, this indicates that hens are given 108 square feet of outdoor space per bird, as well as access to a barn or structure for shade and cover.
Pasture-raised chickens eat a diet made up of provided feed and foraged grubs and insects, which is the natural diet of healthy birds.

Happy chicken have healthy chicks.
Chickens taste good. Happy chickens taste even better. They live a healthy life with nutritious feed, plenty of room and lots of exercise.
We are breeding better chickens for a better life. Working for a better animal welfare is after our opinion the right thing to do. For that reason, we want to help you to a healthier, tastier and more responsible choice – when you go for a take-away or when you eat out. To keep our chickens happy and healthy, we give them nutritious feed, plenty of room and activities to keep them occupied. We even build playhouses with ramps, ladders, roosts, swings etc.
We give them the freedom and conditions to express their natural behavior. We want them to be happy chickens.